Major Causes Of Poverty In Pakistan And Their Effects.
In this article we will read about what is means by poverty and why it is increasing day by day mostly in Pakistan. Then we will discuss about the consequences of the poverty and in the last we will discuss about the solutions to overcome the poverty and you can also provide your point of view to resolve this issue after reading the article.

What Is Poverty?
Poverty is a global phenomenon that is increasing day by day mostly in the developing countries. Poverty can be defined as the lack of the resources that are essentially required for a person or household to meet the basic needs of living. These resources vary from area to area depending upon the prices of goods in that area.
The level of the poverty also varies from person to person like some could not buy new clothes for their children’s on any evet or festivals while some of them could not pay the fee to see to doctor and medicine to get rid of their disease. Some others even don’t have shelter to live and could not be able to admit their children’s in the school hence they even don’t know how to read and write.
Poverty is also defined by many factors such as having no job and being worried about the future, death of the Childrens because of their illness not properly treated due to lack of money and not being able to provide freedom in education, good health and command over economic resources.

Poverty In Pakistan.
Poverty in any country depends upon the two factors: the national income of the country and unequal distribution of the income among the people of nation. National income includes the total income of the country which should be used to meet the daily needs of the every person living in country. The distribution of that income also greatly affects the level of poverty.
When there is unequal distribution of that income occurs than some of the people having great sources rule on the other peoples and will not provide them the resources to meet their daily needs. In this way the poverty rises. Pakistan is one of the major developing countries where the poverty level is constantly increasing. About one third of the population of the Pakistan is living in the rural areas and facing the poverty.
Causes Of Poverty.
There are many factors that are contributing in the poverty of Pakistan lets discuss some them.
1. Poor Governance.
Good governance is a great element in the economy of a country as it is directly involved in establishing the regulatory mechanism for the proper functioning of land, labor, capital and other factors of market. Whereas the good governance is being extinct from Pakistan and is taken by poor governance.
Poor governance decreases the confidence in businesses which results in the decreased amount of investments in Pakistan by the investors. Lack of public confidence due to poor governance destroyed the legitimacy of state institutions such as police and judiciary which contributes to the worst conditioning of public security.
2. Lack Of Education And Increasing Illiteracy.
Pakistan’s education system shows a dismal picture when it is being compared the other countries. Poor education system is also one of the major causes of poverty in Pakistan as most of the people doesn’t know how to read and write and others are unaware about the modern techniques of earning. Moreover the people are unaware about the new technology that can be used to enhance their yield in agricultural and industrial fields.
Hence they failed to add the revenue in the economy of their country which leads to the poverty. The total budget of Pakistan that is being devoted for education is only the (2℅). While other countries who have a good education system, devote about (3 to 7 %) in this field. But only persisting that the lack of education is the main reason of poverty in Pakistan is also not good. Because the increase the proportion of poverty is (13 to 33%) and the percentage of illiteracy has been decreased during this period.
3. Landlessness In Rural Areas.
As agriculture is the main source of economy of Pakistan, so most of our farmers depend upon the farming for the main source of their income. Now this source is shrinking because of the divisions of the land among their family members. About (37%) of our population in the rural areas become deprived of lands.
Hence the people of rural areas are totally dependent on the lands, so the rural poverty increases with increase in the problem of landlessness. Moreover, the problem landlessness is also caused by the unequal distribution among the Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan.
The causes of the rural poverty are also not totally dependent upon the landlessness but are also affected by many other complex factors like the load shedding and high fuel prices that affects the agriculture.
4. Non Transparency In Resource Allocation.
Lack of transparency in public sectors planning and irregular allocation of resources and budgeting among different fields of development. Our leaders could never fulfilled their promises to provide the needs to the public.
They always consider about the stakeholders and their beneficiaries hence, most of our policy of developments are decided by the bureaucracy which never consider the demands or needs of the citizens. This type lead to the distortion of development in the country that. Moreover they safeguard the interests of specific groups by using the expenses of other people.
5. Corruption And Corrupt Practices.
It is one of the most dangerous factor that is destroying the economy of Pakistan and leading our country to the destruction. It also increases the rate of poverty. Corrupt practices are not only restricted to the public sectors but it is also common in the social life. Everyone want to get rich nights by using unfair means.
The shopkeeper wants to get unlimited profit from the customers. People having jobs are not performing their duties well with the interest. As the corruption reaches to the public level, our country is going towards destruction and increasing poverty.
6. Declining Industrial Output.
Industry has a great impact on the economy of any country especially in developing countries. But our government’s policies are in not in the favor of emerging industrial production.
As the increase in the production of goods will fulfil the needs of the people of the country and then contributes to the economy of country by exporting the products to other countries. Hence the declining industrial outputs leads to the increase in unemployment and poverty.
Effects of Increasing Poverty.
As poverty is not only in our county, it is a global phenomenon and it has both psychological effects and economical effects on the life of the public. Increase in poverty lead to the increase in frustration and hence psychological diseases.

It lead to the increase in selling the human body parts like kidneys to fulfill their needs. Moreover, it leads to the lack of education and unemployment in the country. The whole income resources areas distributed to the specific groups only that are ruling over the country and suicide levels are also increasing because of the poverty.
How Can We OverCome The Poverty In Pakistan?
- There should be highly qualified people in our governance who have the high managing abilities. They should take the strong measures to control the poverty level by proper monitoring over the functioning our industries so that the investors invest our industry to increase the production and exports level from our country and meet the basic needs of our public. A proper security system should be provided to investors.
- Proper education should be provided to all of the children’s to overcome the problem of illiteracy. Moreover training should be launched to provide the information about modern methods of earning to our youth to overcome the unemployment in our country.
- A proper guide should be provided to our farmers about the new methods of agriculture with greater yields. The distribution of lands should be properly done to get more lands for proper agriculture because the main economy our country depends upon the agricultural yields such as the export of rice.
- Allocation of budgets among the different fields of Pakistan should also be monitored and properly distributed. Education and development programs should also get proper budget. Increase in business programs will decrease the rate of unemployment in Pakistan.
- There should be proper implementation laws in our judiciary system and every one should be equal in the case of punishment even he is a landowner or a poor. This will lead to the decrease in the corruption and our economy will become stable.

Article – by – Adeel Awan, Posted – By – Ali Hadar.
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