Decision making has traditionally been viewed as a rational process in which reason calculates the best way to achieve an end. Research in various areas of cognitive science has shown that human decision making and behavior are influenced by intuition and emotional responses to a much greater extent than previously thought.

Research over the last few decades shows that emotions are powerful, ubiquitous, predictable, sometimes harmful, and sometimes beneficial drivers of decision making.
According to Herbert Simon, an American Nobel Laureate scientist, “To have anything like a complete theory of human rationality, we have to understand what role emotion plays in it.”
As Dr. Simon and others have pointed out, emotions influence, skew, or sometimes completely determine the outcome of a large number of decisions we are confronted with in a day.
It’s not about rational or emotional decisions. You need both.
Neurologist Antonio Damasio, known for his work on the relationship between emotions and decision making, points out that emotions can be fundamental in dealing with equal choices and decisions without a clear rationale.
Emotions, Reason, and the Human Brain shows that patients with prefrontal cortex damage are unable to generate the emotions needed for effective decision making. As an example, his story of Elliott describes how without emotions he could not make simple decisions, such as what color socks to wear.
Suggests that it may become Even if you think it’s a rational decision,
your actual decision may be based on your emotions. A study of people with ventral medial injuries, a region of the brain responsible for emotion, found marked differences in their responses to questions that present a moral dilemma: saving many people at
the expense of innocents. I was.
This suggests an ongoing tension between rational cost benefit calculations and the instinctive emotional decision making part of our minds, especially when it comes to moral judgments.
Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of emotional decision making.
Recent Research Reveals Several Positive Factors Of Emotion In Decision Making.

Purely emotional decisions are very quick compared to rational ones. It is reactive (almost unconscious) and helps in the face of imminent danger and when making less important decisions. Some research suggests an emotional insistence on respecting the lives of others.
1. Emotions provide a way to encode and compress experiences, allowing a rapid selection of responses. This may explain why the ‘gut feeling’ level of determination by experts has a high degree of accuracy.
2. Emotions are signals from the subconscious mind that give us information about what we decide.
3. Decisions that begin with logic sometimes require emotion to enable the final choice, especially when faced with nearly equivalent options.
4. People are interested in the emotional characteristics of decision making options.
5. Emotions often push us against our selfishness.
Emotional Decisions Also Come With Many Downsides.

1. We make quick decisions without knowing why and create rational reasons to justify our emotional decisions.
2. Emotional intensity can override rational decision making when necessary.
3. Direct and irrelevant emotions can create errors by distorting judgment and creating prejudices. In some cases, this can lead to unexpected and reckless behavior.
4. Projected emotions can lead to errors because people have inherent inaccuracies about how they will feel in the future. Of course, you should also do all the usual things that you often hear to help you make objective decisions, such as avoid making decisions when you are tired, stressed, or under the influence of non objective actors.

That said, identifying the roots of your emotions and emotional bases can go a long way toward improving your decision making.
nice and good post