How Corruption is Leading to Unemployment and Hunger in 2023.


How Corruption in Pakistan is Leading to Unemployment and Hunger?

Corruption is one of the most persistent problems around the world, especially in third world countries like Pakistan, where it has permeated government institutions to such an extent that it cannot be easily eliminated by following the posts of powerful bureaucrats and corrupt politicians.

Corruption -by Hamad Hanif


Corruption has utterly corrupted Pakistan, leading to increased poverty, unemployment and hunger, tarnishing the country’s image and causing immense misery to its people. It is ingrained at every level from bottom to top, and unfortunately anti-corruption agencies have been unable to address or even curtail persistent fraud and fraud.

There are a number of top politicians who have reportedly been involved in this fraud and have reportedly gone about their business with little regard for the public. In contemporary Pakistan, we can
find two major concerns or problems spreading like epidemics (corruptio and terrorism) that have multiplied bacteria in every cell of our society.

Indirect allegations of corrupt from social and electronic media abound, but government agencies investigate corrupt individuals for illegal and dishonest issues such as illegal Sui gas and power supplies
and illegal land ownership.

Corruption -by Hamad Hanif


Murder of merit and justice, political cronyism, and the sale of government jobs by corrupt ruling party politicians” have forced hundreds of thousands of qualified and educated young people to take the jobs they deserve. It’s stolen.

Make Pakistan a Corruption free Country:

It is the responsibility of every individual to work with government agencies to make Pakistan a corrup free country. Corruptio will not permeate society until rights are given to worthy people. And this is not the Pakistan our ancestors dreamed of.

Article -by – Hamad Hanif , Posted -by- Ali Hadar

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