4 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples.
With over 7,000 different varieties available worldwide, it’s no surprise that apples are the most consumed fruit in the world. From sweet red varieties like Red Delicious, Fuji, and Gala to tangy green varieties like Granny Smith, these are my personal favorites to enjoy with a pinch of lime juice and salt when you need a delicious snack.

It is often used in recipes such as cakes, cookies, muffins, jams, salads, oatmeal, and smoothies. You can eat it as is or spread it with nut butter. In addition to their culinary versatility and numerous colors and flavors, apples are a very healthy fruit with many research backed benefits.
1. Nutritious:
Apples are considered a nutritious fruit and provide sufficient nutrients in one serving. Current dietary guidelines for Americans recommend two cups of fruit per day for a 2,000 calorie diet, with an emphasis on whole fruits like apples. A medium sized 200 gram apple contains the following nutrients.
• Calories: 104
• Carbs: 28 grams
• Fiber: 5 grams
• Vitamin C: 10% of the Daily Value (DV)
• Copper: 6% of the DV
• Potassium: 5% of the DV
• Vitamin K: 4% of the DV
The same serving provides 2-5% of your daily value for vitamins E, B1 and B6. Vitamin E functions as a fat soluble antioxidant, vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is necessary for growth and development,
and vitamin B6 is essential for protein metabolism.
Antioxidants are compounds that protect cells from free radicals, harmful molecules that contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Although nutrition labels do not list these plant compounds, many of apple’s health benefits are likely due to them. To get the most out of apples, leave them peeled as they contain half the fiber and the most polyphenols.
2. May Support Weight Loss:
Apples are rich in fiber and water, two qualities that make you feel full. Increasing satiety works as a weight loss strategy as it helps control appetite. This can help reduce energy intake. In one study,
eating a whole apple made you feel fuller for up to four hours longer than eating the same amount of applesauce or juice. Speed.
Research also suggests that apple consumption may significantly lower body mass index (BMI), a weight related risk factor for heart disease. Interestingly, apple polyphenols may also benefit obesity.
3. Could Be Good For Your Heart:
Apples have been associated with a lower risk of heart disease. One reason is that it contains soluble dietary fiber. This type of fiber helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
Another reason is to provide polyphenols. Some of these, namely the flavonoid epicatechin, can lower blood pressure. Studies have also shown that high flavonoid intake is associated with a lower risk of
In addition, flavonoids help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing LDL cholesterol oxidation, and reducing atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in arteries.
Another study also showed that eating fruits and vegetables with white meat such as apples and pears reduced the risk of stroke.
Every 1/5 cup (25 grams) of apple slices consumed per day was associated with a 9% reduction in stroke risk.
4. Linked to a Lower Risk of Diabetes:
Eating apples also lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. A summary of
the study found that eating apples and pears reduced his risk of type 2 diabetes by 18%.

In fact, just one serving a week can reduce your risk by 3%. The high content of the antioxidant polyphenols quercetin and phlorizin may explain this positive effect Quercetins’ anti inflammatory effects may reduce insulin resistance, a major risk factor for developing diabetes. Phlorizin is now thought to reduce the absorption of sugar in the intestine, lowering blood sugar levels and thereby relieving diabetes.
Article -by– Hamad Hanif, Posted -by- Ali Hadar
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